Monday, August 20, 2007

X Class Physics Important Questions

X Class –Physics (Very Very Imprtant Questions)

Unit-1- Measurement of length

Short Answer Questions

  1. What is meant by positive and negative zero error of a screw gauge? How are these determined?
  2. What is principle of vernier?
  3. Mention the uses of vernier calipers?
  4. Mention the principle of screw gauge?
  5. Describe the vernier calipers with a diagram and explain how you measure the
  6. diameter of a cylinder?


1. How do you determine the diameter of wire using a screw gauge?


1. Screw gauge

Unit-II- Our Universe.


  1. The weight of an object at an equator is not same at the poles Why?
  2. Differentiate between mass and weight of a body?
  3. State hook’s Law.
  4. State universal law of gravitation. Calculate the gravitational force acting on 10kg mass.take g=9.8m/s.
  5. The weight of the body is not the same on the surface of the earth at the poles.Specify the reason.


  1. Explain the theory of Newton’s Universal Gravitational force attraction?
  2. Describe the relation between acceleration due to gravity, and universal gravitational constant?



  1. Define time of flight?
  2. A body projected vertically upwards with a velocity 20m/s.Find the maximum height reached by the body.
  3. A ball is thrown up and attains a maximum height of 80m. Find its initial speed.



  1. What is angular velocity of the earth about its axis? Take 1 day = 24 hours.
  2. Find the length of a simple pendulum whose time period is 1.8 sec.(given g=9.8m/s)
  3. What is priciple of lanching a satillite into an orbit?
  4. Give examples of oscillatory motion.
  5. What is the necessity of banking of roads?


  1. Compare the centripetal and centrifugal forces.
  2. Explain the applications of centrifugal forces(or) Describe the working principle of a centrifugal or landry drier.
  3. Describe an experiment to determine the acceleration due to gravity by simple pendulum.
  4. Derive the formula for the banking angle tanq = v2/rg

Unit-V-Electro Magnetic Spectrum


  1. Give reasons for the depletion of Ozone layer?
  2. What are the uses of Hard X-rays?
  3. Define radiography?

1. Electromagnetic spectrum.

Unit-VI- Sound.


  1. Define resonance.
  2. Write the differences between Node and antinode.
  3. Give the examples for oscilalatory motion?
  4. In a resonating air column experiment with a close-end-tube,first resonance occurs when the length of the air column is 10cm. Find out the length of the air column for the occurrence of second resonance.


  1. What is resonance? Give examples?
  2. Explain the method of determining velocity of sound in air?
  3. Write the difference between progressive and stationalry waves.


1. Draw a diagram showing standing waves.



  1. What are the important processes in producing a laser?
  2. What are the uses of laser in Medicine?


  1. Compare the Newton’s corpuscular theory of light and Huygen’s wave theory of light?
  2. Describe the ripple tank.Explain how it is useful in understanding the reflection and refraction of light.
  3. Explain the phenomenon of reflection applying wave theory of light .
  4. Describe the diffraction of light.
  5. How do you distinguish laser light from ordinary light in terms of the property of coherence?
  6. What are the important applications of laser light in science and Technology?
  7. Describe the diffraction of light waves at an aperture with a digram.



  1. Define magnetic susceptibility.
  2. Define Permiability
  3. State inverse square law of magnetism.
  4. Define magnetic moment.
  5. What are the ferromagnetic substances? Give examples.
  6. Differentiate between para and Dia magnetic substances?


  1. What are the key concepts of Ewings molecular theory?
  2. Explain the types of magnetic substance?
  3. Compare magnetic susceptibility and relative permeability of pera, dia and ferromagnetic substances?
  4. Explain the para ,dia, ferro magntic substances .Give examples to each.


  1. A neat labeled diagram showing lines of force, when the s-pole of a bar-magnet faces geographical north and locate the neutral pointa.
  2. A neat diagram of magnetic lines of force, when N-pole of the earth Locate the null points.



  1. What is transformer?What is its rule?
  2. Write the difference beteen galvanometer,Ammeter.
  3. Defive Ohm’s Law.
  4. State fklemings’s right hand rule?
  5. The resistance of maganin wire of 15 cross sectional area is 1mm2.find the resistance of manganin wire of same length but of cross section of 3mm2.
  6. What are Ohmic and non Ohmic conductors?give examples.The p.d.across a bulb is 240V when a current of 3 amperes flows through it.Find the resistance of bulb.
  7. What is the total e.m.f. when three cells of voltages 1V,1.V and 2V are connected in series?
  8. Calculate the equalent resistance of two resistors 100 and 1 connected in parallel.
  9. Define Lenz’s law? Explain it?
  10. Draw the electric circuit and level its parts?
  11. Define faraday’s law of electrolysis.
  12. Calculate the equivalent resistance of two resistors of 6 ohms and 4 ohms in parallel.


  1. Describe an experiment to verify ohm’s law?
  2. Show that the reciprocal of effective resistance due to resistances connected in parallel equal to the sum of reciprocals of the individual resistances.
  3. Derive the equation Q=_____ or Derive the Joule’s Law.
  4. Describe an experiment to verify Faraday’s II Law .Mention Two applications.
  5. Derive the relation V1/V2=i2/i1 in the transformer.
  6. A house is fitted with 10 lamps of each 60 weatt. If each lamp burns 5 hours a day, find the cost of consumption in a month of 30 days at the rate of Rs2.40 per unit.
  7. Show the effective resistance of a series combination in a circuit is equal to sum of the individual resistances.

Unit-X-Modern Physics


  1. Mention the differences between the atomic number and mass number.
  2. Define isotope?Give examples.
  3. Define isobar?Give examples.
  4. Define isotones? Give examples.
  5. Explain nuclear fusion with an example.
  6. mention the differences between natural and artificial radio activity.
  7. What are the uses of moderator?ina nuclear reactor?
  8. What is binding energy?
  9. Mention the application of radio isotope in industry?
  10. What is meant by stationary orbit?
  11. State the law of radioactive series?
  12. What is a artificial transmutation?Example?
  13. Write about b- decay with examples


  1. Explain the mass defect in an atom 9or) calculate the mass defect in the formation of Helium nucleus.
  2. Calculate the mass defect and the binding energy of = 15.995amu.
  3. What is nuclear reactor?Explain how it works?
  4. The mass defect.when helium nucleus is formed is 0.0303 amu.Calculate the binding energy.
  5. Describe the Rutherford gold foil experiment with a diagram mention its important features.
  6. What is the basic principle on which a nuclear reactor functions and how the chain reaction is controlled?
  7. Compare the properties of a , b , g radiations.


Nuclear reactor.



  1. Define doping?
  2. Define hole current and electric current?
  3. Define byte?


  1. How important is a computer in modern day life?
  2. Distinguish between a machine language and high-level language?
  3. Draw the block diagram of computer. Describe the functions of each component?
  4. Explain briefly various stages of radio communication with diagram?
  5. Explain briefly various stages of IV communication with diagram?
  6. Explain the following (a) Extrinsic semi-conductor (b) Doping (c) Transistor (d) Energy band.
  7. State the properties and uses of junction transistor.
  8. How do you classify the solids electrically?
  9. What is a Transistor? Describe two types of transistors with the help of a diagram.


  1. Draw the symbol of p-n-p transistor.
  2. Draw p-n junction diode.
  3. Draw p-n junction diode. in (a) forward bias condition (b) Reverse bias condition.
  4. Block diagram of IV brod casting.